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Holy Comforter Episcopal School

Tallahassee, FL

Annual Fund

A Culture of Giving

raised of $225,000 goal
Give now
Emily Lockard

Why support the HCES Annual Fund?


Each year, we ask current parents, friends, alumni, families of alumni, and businesses to contribute to the Annual Fund, which benefits all aspects of campus life. The Annual Fund provides essential, unrestricted support to our operating budget, impacting every student every day. Annual giving dollars allow our school to be nimble and responsive to changing needs and demands


Why is participation important?


Did you know that each year between 95% and 100% of our Faculty and Staff support the Annual Fund? Our internal community, who already give so much to HCES, additionally make gifts to the Annual Fund because… A high participation rate, especially from our current families, elevates the annual giving program and creates a sense of pride within our community. In addition, a high participation rate shows those outside our community that collectively, we support our students, teachers, and the mission of ODA. Outside organizations often use the participation rate of a school’s annual fund to determine if a grant will be made to the school.


How much are families expected to contribute?


We hope that every current family lists HCES as a top priority when making non-profit contributions. The amount between a child’s tuition and the cost of their actual education is approximately $1,500 a year or $125 per month per student. If this amount is not feasible for your family to contribute, we encourage you to participate at a level that is meaningful to you. Every gift is important and appreciated!


How does the Annual Fund directly benefit my child and his or her teachers?


The Annual Fund is necessary to provide exciting projects, programs, and events for our students and faculty, including: state-of-the-art technology, music, band and theater equipment; athletics uniforms and updated athletic equipment; campus security; expanded STEM curriculum; faculty professional development; and financial aid.


What benefits do I receive as an Annual Fund donor?


Contributions to the HCES Annual Fund are 100% tax deductible. Corporate Sponsorship packages are available for those who would like recognition for their business on signage throughout campus. All donors will be recognized via email this fall and all will be listed in our Annual Report which will be published in September 2025.

Personal Giving

Support the Annual Fund

Each year, we ask current parents, friends, alumni, families of alumni, and businesses to contribute to the Annual Fund, which benefits all aspects of campus life. The Annual Fund provides essential, unrestricted support to our operating budget, impacting every student every day. Annual giving dollars allow our school to be nimble and responsive to changing needs and demands.

A gift to the Annual Fund enriches the experience for all students and teachers, providing expanded student programs in academics, arts, and athletics, professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, as well as support for classroom enhancements and technology. Our goal is 60% parent participation and $175,000 cumulative goal.

Join us in meeting our annual needs - a gift of any amount counts as participation, so please consider making a gift this year.

Corporate Giving


$2500 Corporate Sponsorship

  • Your logo prominently placed in the Student Center, on the Baseball Field Sponsor Board and on the Tennis Courts
  • Your logo on the back of a t-shirt given to student athletes by Sept. 1
  • Your logo in select arts programs and the athletic banquet program
  • Your logo on the Corporate Sponsorship Webpage
  • Listing in the Annual Report and in the Corporate Sponsorship Directory

$1500 Corporate Sponsorship

  • Your logo prominently placed in the Student Center and on the Baseball Field Sponsor Board
  • Your logo on the back of a t-shirt given to student athletes by Sept. 1
  • Your logo in select arts programs and the athletic banquet program
  • Your logo on the Corporate Sponsorship Webpage
  • Listing in the Annual Report and in the Corporate Sponsorship Directory

$1000 Corporate Sponsorship

  • Your logo placed in one of the following areas (choose one): Student| Center, Baseball Field Sponsor Board or Tennis Courts
  • Your logo on the back of a t-shirt given to student athletes by Sept. 1
  • Your logo in select arts programs and the athletic banquet program Your business name listed on the Corporate Sponsorship Webpage
  • Listing in the Annual Report and in the Corporate Sponsorship Directory
Holy Comforter Episcopal School logo
Holy Comforter Episcopal School
2001 Fleischmann Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308-0561
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